Science Never Sleep
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Reflection: Term 2 Test
In the second term test, I did not perform exceeding well but I felt that it was still a good try. The syllables were getting harder and the concept were more complex. This test mainly comprises of acids, bases and salts and optics: reflection. I had enjoyed myself this term because most of the learning took place in the lab. We had lots of practicals and it was interesting because the concepts we learnt were often applied in our everyday lives. The questions, therefore, were more technical instead of theoretical. My mistakes in Term 1 resurfaced again in this term test. Since many of the answers required precise explanation, I faced problems presenting my answers despite understanding the questions. I found my vocabulary lacking in my answers. I was unable to give exact terms to describe certain observations or process and I feel like practise will be the solution to my weakness. Acid, bases and salts covers a wide area and questions on them can variate. Reflection is more straightforward and easier to comphrehend. I would have to brush up on my construction lines in drawing ray disgrams. Overall, I feel that my understnding for the subject is somewhat lacking and I will make use of my June Holidays to read up more and practise for the topics.